How Do Trendy Russian Translation Services Deal with Marketing Messages?


Translators who do marketing translations need to consider a lot of details. From the grammatical structure of the target language to the intent of the original marketing message – there are various creative and technical aspects to marketing translations. The translations need to be suitable for the client’s brand and the target audience. Here’s how these linguistic experts maintain this balance -  

Consider the cultural context

Sometimes irony, idiomatic expressions, and other grammatical tricks don’t translate well. For instance, in the Dutch culture, the phrase ‘nail in the coffin’ does not mean anything. The translator needs to be up to date with the target audience’s culture to appropriately translate idioms, jokes, metaphors, etc. The main quality that top providers of Trendy Russian Translation Services offer is cultural relevance.

Slogans and Messages

Slogans don’t translate well across cultures or markets. The translator may have to create a unique slogan on his or her own. That’s why teaming up with translators who have experience in copywriting is always better.

Tone, Style, Voice, and Colours

Marketing messages carry a lot of information. The tone of the message indicates brand mood, whereas the style or voice of the slogans symbolizes brand appeal. Even the colours used in an ad are important for the text. Top translators always consider these details.

Read More:- How Can Russian Translation Help Setting Up A New Business?